Thursday, April 9, 2015

Trendy Food

Our study of periodic trends thus far has given us an idea of how the properties of elements change as we move across and up and down the periodic table. To reinforce these trends in a way I'm sure you all are familiar with, here is your assignment:

Pick a periodic trend to represent. You will need to use different foods to represent your trend. For example, if you choose the atomic radius trend...

You will need to find foods of different sizes to show this pattern across the whole periodic table. So maybe use a pecan to represent hydrogen, a peanut for helium, and a cantaloupe for francium then fill in the sizes between those elements with other foods. At the end you will have an entire trend shown in food. Here is an example of a trend shown in rocks:

You will need to take a picture and send it to my email ( or bring a copy in to class. Either way you need to include a short description of your trend and how you decided upon the foods you used to represent it. You should also read chapter 5, section 1 in the Introduction to Matter textbook. This entire project will also be due Monday, April 20th, along with your Element Hunter assignment.

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